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What is Java?


It is an object-oriented language similar to C++ with advanced features. Java is free to access and platform independent.

It is intended to let developers “write once, run anywhere” (WORA), meaning that compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation. For example, you can write and compile a Java program on Macintosh and run it on Microsoft Windows or LINUX machine without any modifications to the source code.

WORA is achieved by compiling a Java program into an intermediate language called bytecode. The bytecode is platform-independent. A virtual machine, called the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), is used to run the bytecode on each platform.

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History of Java

Java was originally developed by James Gosling with his colleagues at Sun Microsystems during the early 1990s. Initially, it was called a project ‘Oak’ which had implementation similar to C and C++. The name Java is based on the name of an espresso bean. Java 1.0, the first version was released in 1995 with the tagline of ‘write once, run anywhere’. Later, Sun Microsystems was acquired by Oracle. The latest version of Java is Java 14 released on March, 17th 2020.

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